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Spin-off companies form the link between the University and the local socio-economic fabric. Useful for creating innovative products and services, spin-off companies use, develop and market new products and/or services that derive from the skills developed in scientific research and from educational paths linked to the development of the entrepreneurial culture.

At the University of Cagliari there are three types of spin-offs: university, academic, junior.

UniCa’s Liaison Office ensures the necessary organisational support for the following activities:

  • information and assistance during the process of submitting the proposal for society;
  • examination of the proposals to be submitted to the Patent and Spin-off Commission and the Board of Directors;
  • information for the licensing of patents for spin-offs;
  • monitoring the activities of the University spin-offs.

UniCa’s Liaison Office is the University Industrial Liaison Office (ILO). Its task is to link the research activities of the University with the needs of the productive world and the territory, to encourage technology transfer and contribute to regional socio-economic development.

Presenting a spin off proposal

To whom you should address the proposal of activation of academic spin off

The activation proposal should be addressed to the UniCa’s Liaison Office (ILO), which verifies the documents and forwards them to the Patent and Spin off Commission, which evaluates the proposal, gives an opinion on the matter and submits the results to the Board of Directors of the University for deliberations.

For further information please contact the Liaison Office:

Download the documents in order to activate an academic or a junior spinoff:

Please attach:

  • Updated and approved CVs of the proposers
  • If required, authorisations and legal opinions (see Spin off Regulations)


National legislation

In this section you can see all the national laws related to spin offs.

University Regulations and set of forms

WiData LLC

Business sector: IT, Electronics and Communication Systems

Activities: High Performance Computing, Big Data, Visual Analytics, Data Analysis, Executive Dashboard, Business Application, Data Integration, Data Intelligence, Advanced Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Analytical Intelligence, Signal Intelligence. Development of decision support systems according to specific needs in the field of monitoring and analysis of mobility flows in urban and suburban contexts.

Representative: Luigi Atzori

Year of establishment: 2021



Business sector: IT, Electronics and Communication Systems

Activities: elaboration and application of specific and detailed operating procedures, with a transversal IT-legal approach, to verify the requirements of quality, resilience, robustness and reactivity of technological equipment (hardware and software), which interact on the net and process data. The aim is that of anticipating and facing attacks aimed at compromising their proper functioning and their performance (cyber-attacks). Design, development, prototyping, consulting and training services in the field of digitisation, cybersecurity and digital forensics.

Representative: Daniele Giusto

Year of establishment: 2021



Business sector: Chemistry, Physics, New Materials and Manufacturing Processes

Activities: Regenfix has developed an innovative regeneration service (intended as complete removal of contaminants) of chromatographic columns. The columns, after each use, accumulate within them contaminants that modify the results in subsequent uses and, therefore, must be replaced very frequently. Regenfix offers an innovative chromatographic column regeneration service, able to completely remove contaminants, realised through the development and production of its own chemical formula, able to bring these devices back to their original operating performance.

Representative: Dario Piano

Department: Life and Environmental Sciences

Year of establishment: 2020



Business sector: IT, Electronics and Communication Systems

Activities: Exploitation and commercialisation of results from scientific research on innovative software development technologies and methodologies, including blockchain technology, and derived software products, supported by consultancy services both on these innovative information technologies and on operational solutions, with quality analysis also using methodologies and good practices of software development management.

Representative: Marco Ortu

Year of establishment: 2020



Business sector: IT, Electronics and Communication Systems

Activities: the company is mainly involved in the development, production and marketing of innovative products based on Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. Secondly, it carries out the development, production and marketing of hardware and software solutions, ICT devices and open-source hardware/software.

Representative: Matteo Anedda

Year of establishment: 2018



Business sector: IT, Electronics and Communication Systems

Activities: carrying out studies and research in the field of IT, implementation and marketing of IT solutions and provision of consulting services, in the field of data processing, also in relation to the following areas: Distributed Ledger, Blockchain technologies, Big Data, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and similar and related areas; design, planning and management of Smart Contract and ICO (Initial Coin Offering) and similar and related tools.

Representative: Alessandro Spano

Department: Economics and Management

Year of establishment: 2018



Business sector: IT, Electronics and Communication Systems

Activities: development, production and marketing of innovative products or services with high technological value, namely: research, development, experimentation and direct use on the market, marketing of application software and algorithms to third parties, in the financial sector and beyond, based on innovative technologies including: semantic technologies, cognitive computing, artificial intelligence, genetic programming, deep and reinforcement learning, big data.

Representative: Salvatore Mario Carta

Department: Mathematics and IT

Year of establishment: 2018



Business sector: Agri-food

Activities: The company carries out research and consultancy in the field of food and toxicology-forensics. ToxMed promotes the development and knowledge within the strategy of smart specialization of companies Agri-food and Biomed. The company provides companies with chemical analysis for research xenobiotic substances, medicines and drugs on different matrices. In addition, it provides studies of product innovation related to quality, typicality and safety of production and agri-food chains and enhancement of the by-products of processing. The company also provides advice for the study and preparation of new formulations of plant protection products and substances with biological activity.

Representative: Pierluigi Caboni

Department: Life and Environmental Sciences 

Year of establishment: 2018


NEPSY- Novel Electric Propulsion System

Business sector: Energy and Renewable Sources

Activities: development of innovative electric propulsion systems for road (motorcycles, light vehicles, buses, etc.), railway (trams, subways, trains, etc.) and naval (small and medium boats) applications and, more generally, in industrial and civil fields (lifts, lifting and handling systems, etc.). The activity also covers the development of configurations and management and control systems for electrical drives, energy storage systems and, more generally, for energy conversion systems in a wide range of industrial and civil applications.

Representative: Alessandro Serpi

Department of electrical and electronic engineering

Year of establishment: 2017


HENGE LLC – Heritage Engineering Geophysics

Business sector: Engineering and its fields of application

Activities: development and application of non-destructive methods and systems of land and construction diagnostics. Consulting, engineering and physical-technical support to operators in the field of conservation and restoration of cultural heritage and buildings in general; to those in the field of land control with the development and application of methods of land analysis, for the evaluation of their physical properties, their recognition, the control over time of processes taking place in the subsoil, for applications in the field of hydrogeology, geotechnics, archaeology, agriculture, energy and mining engineering.


Representative: Antonio Trogu


Department: Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering


Year of establishment: 2016




Business sector: Engineering and its fields of application


Activities: The company offers an engineering consultancy service to support design, innovation and technology transfer for industrial entities operating in the fields of Energy, Mechanical Design, Environment, Oil & Gas. Through an integrated system of skills and tools with high scientific and technological value, Astarte offers numerical simulation services, with the implementation of ad hoc models for the resolution of structural and fluid dynamics phenomena. The company also assists its customers in defining and carrying out experimental activities and in processing and interpreting their results.


Representative: Francesco Cambuli


Department: Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering


Year of establishment: 2015




Business sector: IT, Electronics and Communication Systems


Activities: products and services based on automatic recognition technologies for computer security, physical security, and multimedia data processing applications. The company offers engineering solutions based on technologies and its own shape recognition products that can be "customised" and installed at the customer’s premises. The solutions provided include a phase of analysis of customer specifications "on site" and, where necessary, ad hoc and new software development. The installed products will be verified on the data and under the operating conditions defined by the customer.

Representative: Davide Ariu

Department: Electric and Electronical Engineerin

Year of establishment: 2015



Business sector: IT, Electronics and Communication Systems

Activities: development of mathematical models, algorithms and software products based on formal methods typical of automation for the simulation, control, diagnostics, management, and optimisation of complex systems, with particular reference to automation markets, home consumer devices and home automation. A particular focus is placed on the development of applications compatible with the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm.

Representatives: Alessandro Giua, Elio Usai, Alessandro Pisano

Department: Electric and Electronical Engineering

Year of establishment: 2015



Business sector: Economics and Finance

Activities: technical assistance on the measurement of the risks of banks and on the management of banking crises, mainly within foreign markets. The aim of this method is to provide deposit insurance schemes with risk assessment models for CAMEL-based type banks and technical assistance for the installation or revision of frameworks for the resolution of bank crises.

Representative: Riccardo De Lisa

Department: Economics and Management

Year of establishment: 2014


Innovative Business Solutions LLC

Business sector: IT, Electronics and Communication Systems

Activities: advice and custom solutions for businesses and public bodies. Innovative Business Solutions is organised in two main areas of activity: the consulting area studies and defines innovative methodologies in the management and optimisation of business processes and services and public administration; the development and design area supports the implementation of the methodologies analysed and proposed in the consultancy activity through the development and design of appropriate architectures and IT infrastructures. The main goal of the company is to increase synergies between different companies or public administration and optimise the quality of resources available to its customers by offering a knowledge-based competitiveness.

Representative: Giulio Vargiu

Year of establishment: 2013





Business sector: IT, Electronics and Communication Systems

Activities: the company operates in the field of Business Intelligence, offering services for the management, collection, and analysis of data. It is proposed as a partner for the development of management software. SmartLab’s main offerings include opinion polls, market research and analysis, exploratory data analysis & data mining, behavioural analysis and testing, customer, and citizen satisfaction.

Representative: Vittorio Pelligra

Department: Economics and Management


Year of establishment: 2012


Business sector: Environment and Buildings

Activities: consulting, engineering, and technical support to the operators of the civil and industrial recovery sector, through the use of new materials that allow to restore, consolidate and/or increase the physical and mechanical performance of existing structures, both in the industrial and civil-construction sectors.

Representative: Flavio Mistretta

Department: Structural Engineering

Year of establishment: 2008



Business sector: Energy and Renewable Energies

Activities: study, development, design, and implementation of solutions for the intelligent use of energy with particular reference, but not exclusive, to the realisation of specific hardware and software.

Representative: Fabrizio Pilo

Department: Electric and electronical engineering

Year of establishment: 2008



Business sector: IT, Electronics and Communication Systems

Activities: development of high-tech software for public administration and business, based mainly on open-source technologies and web communication. The company is specialised on various solutions such as Computer Protocol, Document Management, Management of organisational processes, Enterprise Resource Planning, Websites and Web Portals, Intranet Portals, E-commerce Portals, mobile APP, Business Intelligence.

Representative: Stefano Marras

Year of establishment: 2007



Junior Spin off


Business sector: Chemistry, Physics, New Materials and Manufacturing Processes

Activities: development, production and marketing of innovative products and services with high technological value in the fields of chemistry, industrial plant engineering, eco-sustainability, air sanitation, water purification and building, with particular reference to innovative solutions in the field of paints, tiles and surface treatment in general, in order to exploit, even indoors and in the absence of sunlight, applications of the phenomenon of photocatalysis with the entire light spectrum, aimed at degrading and reducing pollutants, bacteria and viruses, converting them into substances harmless to health.

Representative: Carlo Usai

Year of establishment: 2021




Business sector: Chemistry, Physics, New Materials and Manufacturing Processes

Activities: development, production and marketing of innovative products or services with high technological value and more specifically: industrial development and marketing of biomolecules extracted from bacteria, including carotenoids and in particular carotenoid, deinoxanthin as raw material for the cosmetic, feed, nutraceutical, and other markets, as well as all research and development activities related to the carrying out of such industrial activities.

Representative: Giulia Guadalupi

Year of establishment: 2020



Business sector: Engineering and its fields of application

Activities: development, production and marketing of innovative products and services with high technological value, relating to the protection of the environment and the ecosystem; in particular, the management of water resources, territory, infrastructure and the urban fabric, and civil protection activities.

The company intends to market a modular plug & play device to measure in real time the level and the chemical-physical quality of water and pollutants present, consisting of hardware and software components based on innovative technologies. The purpose of the device is the acquisition, processing, and communication of data to support the management of the works and the mitigation of risks, in particular hydraulic-flood, geo-hydrological and sanitary-environmental, and civil protection activities.

Representative: Laura Pala

Year of establishment: 2019


SARDACH Cooperative Company

Business sector: Environment and Buildings

Activities: Provision of services with a high technical and professional content. Feasibility studies, research, advice, assessments of technical and economic congruity, environmental impact studies and environmental compatibility, environmental impact assessments, recovery operations and protection of the territory. Monitoring of phenomena of any kind in civil and industrial, public, and private.

Representative: Nicolò Fenu

Department: Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Year of establishment: 2019



Business sector: Health and Biomedical

Activities: development, production and marketing of innovative products and services with high technological value, and in particular:

- design, development, sale and service of innovative biomedical equipment;

- the management and carrying out of training, refresher and retraining courses held in the classroom or from remote.

The spin-off company intends to market a wireless lingual orthodontic device, which moves the dental elements to the desired position by magnetic force.


Representative: Claudio Bellu

Year of establishment: 2019


Competences in the field of spin-offs

  • evaluating proposals for the establishment of spin-offs of the University;
  • carrying out the annual verification of spin-off activities and results and the feasibility of their future business lines;
  • evaluating the opportunity to continue spin-off status.


Competences in the field of patents

  • evaluating the proposals for the management of inventions rights submitted by University researchers;
  • evaluating if territorial extension of patent applications are to be taken into account and if patents held by the University are worth being extended;
  • evaluating University’s proposals of license or transfer of industrial property by third parties and University’s proposals for transfer to third parties, as well as the renegotiation of licenses.


Members of the patents and spin off’s technical commission

The new Technical Commission for patents and spin-offs has been appointed with RD n. 966/2021.

Listed below are the members’ profiles:

  • prof. Fabrizio Giulio Luca Pilo – President;
  • prof. Sebastiano Banni, physiology expert;
  • prof. Cristiano Cincotti, business law expert;
  • prof. Francesca Esposito, microbiology expert;
  • prof. Giorgio Giacinto, information processing systems expert;
  • prof. Marco Pistis, pharmacology expert;
  • prof. Diego Angelo Gaetano Reforgiato Recupero, IT expert;
  • prof. Giorgia Sarais, food chemistry expert;
  • prof. Angela Serpe, general and inorganic chemistry expert;
  • prof. Alessandro Spano, business economics expert; 
  • prof. Piercarlo Ricci, experimental physics expert;
  • dr. Orsola Macis, official responsible for UniCa’s Liaison Office – administrative manager for the procedure and secretary, non-voting member.