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UniCa’s CREA - University’s Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

 promotes the culture of entrepreneurship and interdisciplinarity as well as the development of innovative business projects through the contamination between the different scientific-disciplinary sectors of the University. The Centre directs and promotes the activities of the Contamination Lab for the promotion of business culture, the Contamination Up for university incubation and UniCa&Imprese.

Address: Via Ospedale 121, Cagliari

Phone: +39 0706758484



The Centre encourages the integration and contamination between the different scientific-disciplinary sectors of the University and pushes to spread the business culture in the territory. CREA acts as a link between backers, national and international stakeholders as well as innovative ideas and projects developed within the University of Cagliari. The Centre creates a link between students, researchers and entrepreneurs operating locally and worldwide.


CREA promotes and manages the activities of the Contamination Lab, Contamination Up and Unica&Imprese, including research and dissemination. It carries out excellent training activities to develop and integrate managerial, entrepreneurial and scientific knowledge, to increase managerial and problem-solving skills, especially related to the working team. Among its functions, the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship scans opportunities related to scientific-technological knowledge and business ideas. CREA offers young people in the area the opportunity to enrich their relational skills and use innovative tools to present their ideas according to international standards, like the elevator pitch. Last but not least, it manages the University Incubator of Cagliari, promoting its adhesion to business incubator networks.




Professor Maria Chiara Di Guardo

Phone: +390706758455



Administrative Office

Dr. Silvia Delrio

Phone: +390706758548




CREA site

Create your own business

Through our paths of entrepreneurial education and support to business creation you will have the opportunity to improve and perfect your business idea, in order to make it successful. You will acquire the mindset and tools essential for the development of your business projects. You will give entrepreneurial form to your ideas, but, most of all, you will learn to set strategies with innovative methods.


At CREA you will put in place alternative processes and set strategies that will help you consider the problem from different perspectives and become an entrepreneur.

For further information please visit the Entrepreneurial Education section

Innovate your own business

CREA is also a meeting place. Test your creativity! You can engage with professional figures from different disciplines. Your insights and experience will serve as a starting point for the delineation of new paths of innovation.

Through contamination programs and exchange meetings, the unique CREA promotes the meeting between researchers from very different disciplinary areas.

With the support of facilitators and experts of the processes of creativity and the most innovative practices of open innovation (Lean Techniques) you can discover new points of view, which will stimulate different perspectives, thus triggering a virtuous circle of analysis and investigation, research and application. Practice and theory will marry in one innovative experience.

Our open innovation projects:

For further information please visit the Innovate your own business section

Enhance your research

Innovation comes from inspiration. University knowledge, the most topical research topics will be essential in the process of business creation. The experience gained in your field of research will be an important point of reference for companies and CREA supports you in Technology Transfer and Public Engagement activities.

Through the support of Innovation Brokers experts, you can build bridges, fill gaps and get in touch with multiple actors within the innovative ecosystem. You will come into contact with a different world view, enriched by your "UniCa" experience.

You will contribute to the process of growth and development of the territory, offering new social and economic opportunities.

Our technology transfer and public engagement projects:


For further details, please visit the Technology Transfer section